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Geisinger welcomes New Year's baby

It was a very special New Year's Day for a family from Lycoming County. They welcomed their daughter who just happened to be one of Geisinger's first babies of 2024!

MONTOUR COUNTY, Pa. — While many people rang in 2024 with champagne and fireworks, the Rindos family of Loyalsock Township celebrated the birth of their child, Aurora Jo. 

She is the first baby born this year at Geisinger near Danville.

"I'm actually really shocked. She's more surprised than anything," said Felicia Rindos, Loyalsock Township.

Felicia and Bradlee Rindos were not expecting a New Year's baby.  Felicia's due date was January 6th...but she was induced on New Year's Eve.

"We figured it was going to be on the 31st," said Bradlee Rindos.

Aurora came early, just like her siblings.

"Because of the history of preterm labor, they didn't want me going past 39 weeks," said Felicia.

Aurora was born at 4:39 a.m. and weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and is 20 inches long. She has four older siblings. Her family has high hopes for her.

"Just be the best kid she can be. Do whatever makes her happy," said Felicia.

Happy Birthday Aurora!

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